into the miroverse

Year: 2023
Role: Lead UX Growth Researcher
Research Method: In-depth interviews, concept testing
Research Type: Generative Research, Evaluative Research
Company: Miroverse

Due to the sensitive nature of some of my work, the detailed case study is available by request only. If you’re interested in checking it out, please drop me a quick line here or through LinkedIn for the password. 

In the meantime, below is a high-level outline of the goals of the project, methods used, learnings and outcomes. 


background and goals

Miroverse is a Community Templates Gallery showcasing the very best boards of the Miro community, as well as their creators. It is one of Miro's unique opportunities for growth, providing a UGC platform outside of the product.

It has recently gained an important role within Miro, reaching 1000 creators and nearly 3000 templates in the last year. Executive leadership is interested in understanding how to scale and grow the platform to Miroverse 2.0 in 2023, to understand the mental models of our current user base as we explore untapped opportunities.

​Product Research Goals

  • Understand our engaged and new users' mental models, modes of learning, and jobs to be done for Miroverse.
  • Uncover the current value that Miroverse offers them and where there is friction.
  • Discover their perceptions and expectations for Miroverse.
  • Test concepts for future exploration.

Business Goals

  • Increase engaged consumer base three-fold by the end of 2023.
  • Identify opportunities that will drive engagement within Miroverse and within Miro product by removing friction.
  • Activation and retention of the consumer base, deepening their connection through tapping into current value-add and potential value-add.


The research was split into two distinct phases over the course of six weeks:

  • Industry / competitor research: researching products we want to learn from and / or emulate in their approach to building community marketplace.
  • User behavior analysis: understand different usage behavior across Miroverse, both in and outside of the Miro product.
  • Screener: Uncover how users consider their own roles within Miroverse.
  • In-depth-interviews phase 1: 60-minute exploratory conversations with engaged long-term users paired with concept testing.
  • In-depth-interviews phase 2: 60-minute exploratory conversations with new users paired with concept testing.

crucial insights

As this research is considered highly strategic to our growth strategy, I am not yet able to share insights publicly. This will be updated over the course of the next year.

The full case study can be found here. Please contact me for access to the case study and for findings and learnings.

research impact

As this research is considered highly strategic to our growth strategy, I am not yet able to share specific impact publicly. This will be updated over the course of the next year.

my learnings

  • This was a true drink-your-own-champagne project. As we were engaging with template creators and consumers, it gave us the opportunity to templatize our own process. One result from this project is a full template series for UX Research stakeholder engagement from start to end of the project. This will be shared here once it goes live.
  • Getting team members to actively observe interviews is key to driving results.
  • This has been a great opportunity to educate the cross-functional team on the value of qualitative research, especially one used to running fast experiments that need results yesterday.

Selected Works

visual searchmixed methods

solutions messagingevaluative research

into the miroversediscovery research

creator motivationsexploratory UX research

future of workgenerative research

activating personasexploratory