published work

Over the years, I have published articles, facilitated workshops, and built programs promoting change management internally within organizations and externally as a thought leader. These come in many forms and range in topics, including:

  • remote collaboration change management
  • agile rituals for enterprise organizations
  • user research techniques
  • design thinking for non-designers
  • business design for designers
  • diversity and inclusion audits and reports
  • interactive sights enablement
  • ...and much more

You can view some of my featured articles and presentations below. Please check out my services page or contact me direclty if you are interested in collaborating outside of direct research support.


THEFT Studio: Musings

There is no "I" in Research

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, companies are turning to research to make informed decisions about their products and services. However, the effectiveness of research is often limited by a lack of inclusion of teams in the research process. 


Miro Blog: Guides for Collaboration

The Guide to Mastering Online Brainstorming

For some teams, remote brainstorming is a burden. But with the right techniques, it can be an opportunity for your virtual team to connect on a level that isn’t possible in the office. This guide provides actionable insight into the art and science of online brainstorming.


public speaking 

Miro's Distributed Conference

How Miro Uses Miro to Make Collaboration Magic

Miro's Chief Marketing Officer Paul D’Arcy leads a discussion around all the ways we use our own boards internally — from conducting research to performing product development to strengthening our company culture. The talk features Miro leaders Iris Latour, Pete Lim, and Melissa Halim.

DesignX: Remote Design Week

Reimagining Workshops

Cristina Crespo, Associate Design Director for Frog Design and Iris Latour, Customer Insights Leader for Miro share how to reimagine workshops in a remote world. This talk was presented at Remote Design Week 2020 - a five-day virtual design conference by DesignX

Miro's Distributed Conference

How Miro Uses Miro to Make Collaboration Magic

The reality of working in enterprise organizations today is that many of your coworkers aren't collocated. You may feel disconnected or lost because there is no central source of truth. We get it. Iris Latour shares practical tips towards streamlining your work at scale.


Miro: Voice of Customer Series

Various Topics

2020 - 2023

A monthly session where we cover research topics and engage with insights to get closer to our audience, our customer, our user. Part of a Voice of the Customer change management program designed for the entire Miro organization.


Miro Summer Offsite: Make It Yours

Putting Personas to Work


Personas are nice, but what do we do now that we have them? They aren't some document that we should forget, neither are they the end-all-be-all of all design decisions. In this workshop, we'll learn some techniques and real examples of how to directly use them.


Interaction 19 Global Design Conference

Business Design for Designers


Most businesses understand they need to embrace change to enable growth. The challenge is figuring out how to change in a way that is not only innovative, but results in ROI. Business Design is about measuring ROI, while impacting how people think.


Cooper Professional Education

Design Research Techniques


Level up your ethnographic research skills and uncover what makes customers tick. You’ll get hands-on practice with a range of research methods, including conversation stimuli,
ideal journey mapping, collage, and rapid protyping. 


Iris Latour, UX Research Leader

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